Remote Training

For Individuals who want high level coaching, but are unable to make it to Annapolis, MD

Whats Included:

-BSXC Custom Strength, Speed and Conditioning Program

-Full throwing and Arm care program

-Individualized Mobility Routine

-JBP Nutrition Package with full cookbook, guide videos, and custom macro tracking app

- MLB Pitch Grips Database

-Custom Video Mechanical Breakdowns

-Access to team group message

-Unlimited One-on-One phone calls, text and video support.

In-Person/Hybrid Training

For Individuals who want high level coaching and are close in proximity to Annapolis, MD

Whats Included:

-BSXC Custom Strength, Speed and Conditioning Program

-Full throwing and Arm care program

-Individualized Mobility Routine

-JBP Nutrition Package with full cookbook, guide videos, and custom macro tracking app

- MLB Pitch Grips Database

-Custom Video Mechanical Breakdowns

-Access to team group message

-Unlimited One-on-One phone calls, text and video support.

-In-Person skill sessions to review bullpens, mechanics and general physical preparation

To Begin Either Of These Training Programs,

Please Book A Time For Us To Chat

And Take The Next Steps:

The FREE Mechanical Analysis:

A 45-Minute ZOOM call where we go over everything relating to your performance on the field:


-Strength and Conditioning

-Throwing Routine and Schedule

-Nutrition and Recovery


100% Free.

Zero commitment.

Straight up coaching.

Not Ready For 1-on-1 Coaching?

Get Monthly Strength Programming For Less Than $1 A Day HERE:

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