My Name is Jack Barry.

I’m a 26 year old former college baseball All-American and current Performance Coach.

I work with pitchers from the high school level through the major leagues and have been doing so for the past four years as a coach. The areas I focus on developing include, but are not limited to:

-Strength and Conditioning

-Throwing mechanics and workload management

-Pitch design



-Mentality development/dismantling the fallacies of mental performance training


-Structure within training/life

-Team building and bonding with likeminded players and individuals

I’d list off my certifications and accomplishments, but those in my opinion are not as meaningful as a coach that is knowledgeable, trustworthy and easy to communicate with.

I am grateful for the athletes that have given me the opportunity to work with them and have put in the hard work to make my job easy.

The credit is all to them.

What Makes Working With Me Different

Athlete Connection

Most private sector training programs discount the importance of relationships. With a team around you of other athletes and coaches striving towards their ultimate goals, that will never be an issue.

Actual Communication

No more waiting days or even weeks for a response from your coach. Whether it's through text, Facetime, Zoom, or regular phone calls, you can know that any feedback you're looking for will be delivered quickly.

Become Elite

The results speak for themselves, and the ones who buy in, put in the work and place a singularly minded focus on their goal will reap the rewards.

Develop A Long Term Plan

This is not a pump and dump operation. The goal here is to not only deliver you an effective training outline, but also equip you with the expertise to be your own coach as you take the next steps in your career.


My coaching journey begins in 2019 as a skinny-fat, upper-80s right-hander.

I pitched a bit in college but as primarily

a shortstop/3rd baseman.

After some failed attempts to break

into pro ball as a hitter,

I decided to play the odds game and

started training exclusively as a pitcher.

I began working with my own remote coach, and thus began the deep dive into

how to build an elite pitcher from the ground up.

Over the next 5 years, I would coach

over 1000 pitchers,

with the points of focus on

everything the athletes needed

to be at their best.

The journey is evolving. I am still learning.

And my goal is to impact as many

players as I can

in a positive way.

To Connect With Me,

Join The Team JBP Discord

Or Follow Me On Social Media Below!

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